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Back To School Anxiety... We All Have It

by Ellie Zeiler

It’s over, winter break. We’re back, to school, friends, classes, boys, drama, goals, a routine and most of all... anxiety. We’re all feeling the same feelings of getting back to reality and everything that comes with it. MUUZ has dealt with that sinking butterfly feeling of getting back to school after winter break and we have some ways to help.

Everyone is feeling this way.

As an influencer, one of the incredible things I’ve learned about posting certain things is that I am not alone. Which means you are not alone! Something that helps me a lot with anxiety is knowing that walking into the classroom on the first day back I know everyone is feeling a little uneasy too.

New Classes, New Goals.

It is very easy to get stuck thinking about how you did last semester. If your mind was so fried you didn’t do as well as you wanted to on your last midterm.

Well, a new semester means new classes which means a fresh start. Your mind had time to recharge and I think it’s really important to leave the past behind. Buy some new school supplies, find new energy and try hard this semester. When it’s over your year will be over and it will be summer again.

Friend Disconnects

I haven’t seen my friends in a month. We all are getting back feeling pretty disconnected from everything but especially our friends. Whether you FaceTimed your friends every day of break or swiped up on their Snapchat story once it's pretty hard to get back into the swing of things with your friends.

I recommend in the first week making an effort to be close to your friends especially while classes are pretty easy for the first week. Go to every “back to class” party, tell your friends you missed them, and even take a step back and see who you missed while you were gone. (It’s a new year btw anyone you didn’t miss you can distance yourself from)

Also just remember that in a week everything will feel normal again and you’ll be back in the swing of things with your friends.

Your School Situationship VS Your Hometown Ex

Yes you read that right, the battle we all have been through. The battle of losing those feelings from the break when you might have “rekindled” with your hometown ex and getting back to the boy that you hook up with at frat parties.

I have one simple piece of advice for you. This semester is about YOU. We all love a good hookup and obviously, feelings linger, but put yourself first this semester and everything else will follow. Whether that means not drinking calling your hometown ex so you don’t wake up the next morning regretting it all day or maybe spending a few fewer nights at that frat house with the Situationship, put yourself first before you worry about anyone else.

2024 is about you, not a guy that can’t take you to dinner.


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