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Dealing With College Admission Anxiety

Updated: Nov 21

By: Samara Lookatch

girls walking

For most high school seniors you’ve either completed and sent in an application or are in the midst of doing so. Early action (EA) and early decision (ED) applications have been submitted, but now what? We wait till December or even into the new year to find out your fate. The anxiety and pressure build-up while waiting for an answer from that one school that you have your heart set on, hearing only from those schools that were considered “safety schools”, your friends are getting into schools and you haven't heard back. The entire college admission process is so stressful and can cause your mental health to deteriorate. I know I have struggled with juggling school, extracurriculars, and writing supplementals for applications for the past few months. 

The biggest thing that has relieved my stress was applying to schools that have rolling admissions. Rolling admission means you can apply at any time and the school will read your application and let you know your admission status as soon as possible. By applying to these schools you can find out if you were accepted as early as two weeks after submitting your application. Knowing you got in somewhere early in the process can help relieve the nerves of “I’m never getting in anywhere”. It reassures you that you will be going to college whether it’s your first or last pick. Having safety schools that you know you would enjoy is essential, just knowing you’ve been admitted somewhere is a great feeling. It renews your confidence and establishes strong mental health during this very stressful time. If you are having trouble finding colleges with rolling admission, I have made a list of some you should check out below:

Rolling admission schools:

When going on college tours or visiting schools through virtual sessions, my mom always reminded me that if you are rejected from a school then you're not meant to go there. When applying and hearing back from schools, it’s important to remember that not every school is the right fit for you. Making sure you have safety, match, and reach schools is key to being successful in your application process. Having a school at every level allows you to reach for harder schools, yet find balance during the process by applying to schools you have a higher chance of receiving an acceptance. 

Much like for myself, this stressful time too shall pass for you. And by this time next year, we, seniors, will be freshmen enjoying the fun fall semester in our new homes. Cheering on our football teams, showing off our school spirit and getting to know our new friends and community, we will barely even remember a time when we worried about finding the perfect fit for college.

After applying to your schools and waiting for your responses, it’s best not to sit and wait at your computer checking your email or waiting on the mail. Instead, it’s best to plan something to do with your friends or spend quality time with your family. By distracting yourself the decisions will come sooner than you think, time moves faster when you are having fun. I know I’ve recently had to catch up on a lot of studying too, since I was so busy finishing up my applications. Distracting and surrounding yourself with company has helped speed up hearing from schools, it’s when I least expect the email to come and then it does. Knowing you have applied to a solid amount of schools with different acceptance rates will help solidify your chances and the nerves of waiting for your decision to come in the mail. 

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