By: Danielle Zibiri

“I don't!” We've all heard of engagement rings, but what about divorce rings? Last week the model, author, actress, entrepreneur and podcaster revealed a concept that none of us were ready for ....” divorce rings”, following her separation in 2022 she decided to get creative. Emphasizing on the message of female independence, self love and the essence of celebrating ourselves. Saying the rings represented “her personal evolution”. More often than it should, we attach our self-worth and value to either another person, job, or item. It's important to know that our identity and pride in who we are speaks more value than any of these things could ever.
“I don't think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she's losing a man,” she says. No matter what loss or gain happens in our lives remember the real gem is you always. We don't need to be stripped of our light and who we are. Our biggest accomplishment will always be what we do for ourselves. Aside from great marketing there's so much more to be learned from this new concept. Let this be a reminder of how happy we can make ourselves by paying the adequate attention we deserve. I'm sure we've had “situationships” or relationships where towards the end we felt like we had lost a part of our identity, something we wouldn't be able to live without.
Some of us entered these romantic partnerships more than ready to let go of who we truly were and for what... a guy? Know that your approval is all that's needed. Being able to stand on your own is scarier than it sounds, but it's a hill that once you get over and see the other side of independence and full self-acceptance you'll never go back. Realize your worth, and if you're unable to or struggle, that's okay, at the end of the day we're all diamonds in the rough. In knowing this celebrate yourself, your milestones, and achievements that only you know how hard they were to reach. Stop being so hard on yourself, and fall in love with how hard you work, how hard to try to be a good person, and the way you deal with situations that confront you.
Value everything you overlook about yourself and stop being so critical. That thing or person you think encompasses who you are and is so attached to your identity means nothing without you, your scope broadens, of yourself, of life, and what you deem important. We are all born so beautiful and the greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not. It's never too late to celebrate yourself, simply for who you are and where you've come to. Nothing but yourself can determine your worth.