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Vision Board 101 (How To Manifest All You Desire In 2024)

By: Nicole Milliman

green vision board

If you’re like me and enjoy romanticizing your life, then you’ve probably dabbled in the art of vision boarding. They gain so much hype around the new year, but I’m here to say that vision boards are an all-year type of activity. Three years ago I decided that I was going to start making monthly vision boards, and I can seriously say that my life has improved more than ever. So open up Pinterest, grab your beverage of choice, and follow along for the MUUZ guide to creating the perfect vision board.

What Is A Vision Board?

A vision board is essentially a collection of pictures, words, and quotes that symbolize the life you want to create and the goals you want to accomplish. This helps keep all of your dreams, plans, and affirmations in one visible place to help you stay focused on your intentions. The fun thing about Vision Boards is that there are no rules. You can make one for literally any occasion, life season, or big project. What you decide to include is completely intuitive to your goals, making it an amazing creative outlet that leads to growth and success.

vision board

Create A List Of Goals

I recommend making your vision board on the first day of the month because it sets you up for success and motivates you to live every day to the fullest. Make a list and get specific.

  1. Health + Wellness Goals

  2. Inspiring Quotes or Words

  3. Academic Goals

  4. Fashion

  5. Places I want to go

  6. Relationships

  7. Hobbies

  8. Personal Growth

I love to create Pinterest boards because they keep your photos organized and are also so fun to look back on and see what you achieved. Go through your list of goals/visions you set for the month and search them on Pinterest with the word “aesthetic.” So if you’re wanting to get into skincare that month, search “clean skincare aesthetic.” The options will be endless!

No Goal Is Too Big

One of the biggest tips I can give for anyone creating a vision board is to go big. No dream, goal, or desire is too far out of reach. I have added photos to my vision boards in the past just for fun, and have been shocked by them actually coming true. Something about the constant visual reminder of your goals seriously helps you get closer and closer to them. So don’t hesitate to add that one thing that’s been on your mind.

Set Your Vision Board As You Wall Paper

Once you have gathered all of your photos, it’s time to put them all together in a collage! My absolute favorite platform to create my vision boards on is called Landing. It’s an entire app dedicated to mood boards, and you can even follow other creators for inspiration. I like to layer photos, remove backgrounds, and play around with the aesthetic until it looks good. This is where you can get creative and let your personality shine through. Once you are satisfied with your work, save your vision board to your phone and set it as your wallpaper.

This is seriously the best life hack, because every time you open up your phone, you are reminded of your goals! I like to do the same thing on my computer. Plus, it’s such a cute collage of pics that will get you lots of compliments from your classmates or coworkers.

vision board

Trying to achieve your “dream life” can be a big goal that feels far out of reach, leading to burnout and frustration. By cultivating a mix of pictures that represent specific goals I set for the month, I have seen such growth in myself. It’s never too late to go for your goals and romanticize your life. So take this as your sign to start vision boarding and watch the magic happen!

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